Anyone have those days where you do not have head space ? Today was one of those days ! Leaving nappies in places I do not leave them normally, leaving doors unlocked and Theo having melt downs are just a few things that my brain hasn’t coped with today. In these moments I try to take a moment to breathe and think of my blessings and the things that are right. After i have done these things, the calm comes back and then my brain is back. I then remember .. ‘ I would not have my life any other way’ . Today we have been looking at sensory equipment for Theo as he loves colourful lights and loves putting things in his mouth for comfort .
I’ll be sharing the equipment i have tried and has helped Theo. Right now, the things that help him to keep calm is colouring in and watching trains and their wheels ( which I have found out... ones with autism seem to love things that spin ) If anyone has any experience or advice in how to help children with autism I’m always welcoming any advice.