Well where do I start ?
I was told in April that I was to shield for 12 weeks as I have had chemo in past for leukaemia. This meant I couldn't go into work , go outside of my house or go to the shops.
To say that I have felt isolated is a small part of how I have felt. I have had some very good friends that have kept in touch and my work have kept in touch to make sure that I am doing ok too which all very much appreciated . To keep myself busy I have started a baking business called Pigglet's Home Baking , this is going really well and helps me to keep my mind busy and to give me some purpose other than being a mum and wife of course.
Having Theo has definitely helped being in lockdown in keeping me busy and has come with some positive outcomes, such as ....
Theo's speech has become so much better, we have actual words instead of just sounds. This is such a relief for Tom and I to see some progress in Theo's communication . He is still on the JADES pathway for an official diagnosis, we have been told it can take unto 18 months to be seen ( probably longer now due to the Covid) .
Its been so lovely to see Theo play with toys like a "typical" child and using his imagination to make up little conversations with his little toys . This for us is great progress to see that he sees the need for communication. We were really worried about Theo's speech before lockdown and how he was going to be around people at the end of lockdown as he was not very good with interacting at all , so this is why Tom and I were so happy to see the progress that Theo has made.
I saw my first lot of friends in a garden on Sunday it was so great to be around people , I must admit It had felt like I had lost the art of communication a little but I think they felt the same too, its one thing talking over camera and another being in front of actual people. This obviously didn't affect Theo too much as he really did surprise us in the way he interacted with our friends as he was actually communicating With them and wanting them to be involved with his play. If anything I think that lock down as helped him focus more on the fact that he need to communicate and for that I am thankful to have this time at home with him.
I would love to hear of anyone else's experiences in lockdown , so please feel free to comment or if you have me on Facebook or Instagram then please feel free to contact me.